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At Wilton Public School, a graduate teacher works with a class of students to test, observe and explain the properties of materials in a practical experiment in a science class. The teacher has constructed a paper helicopter that he and his students have attempted to launch. The segment of the lesson contained here, shows a teacher-led discussion about the properties of one material – paper – that has been used as a possible conductor of electricity. 
The graduate teacher brings to the lesson very carefully prepared and selected resources. He uses teaching props and methods that are tangible, easily understood and managed. He paces the lesson appropriately for the age and developmental characteristics of his students. Through carefully scaffolded questioning, he reinforces basic literacy skills and connects these to the language of scientific inquiry.
  • What teaching strategies do you use to consolidate students’ understanding of complex concepts?
  • In what ways do you encourage students to use the language appropriate to different curriculum areas?
  • What value do you place on reinforcing the skills of inquiry?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Hughie the helicopter