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The teacher is part time at the school, and understands the value of professional learning that is linked to teacher needs and wider school priorities. She offers to a number of her colleagues an intermediate level workshop in the use of interactive whiteboards, which will build on previous whole school professional development sessions, and that can be used to engage students in their learning. In a follow-up interview she reflects on the outcomes of the workshop.
Teaching Italian and Japanese part time at Davidson High School, the teacher also works as a consultant in surrounding schools delivering professional learning. It is apparent from her presentation that the school is extending the use of IWBs and that while a number of teachers are advanced users, many are still at the beginner level. The school has clearly attempted to provide whole school professional learning about the value of learning technologies. The teacher attempts to build on these whole school initiatives with the workshop that she is offering.
  • What professional learning about the use of ICT for learning have you found most valuable?
  • In what ways can ICT be used to engage students in your learning area?
  • What professional learning about ICT would you most like to develop, and how might you achieve this?
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in this resource pack


Offline package - Evaluating professional learning