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As part of a year 9 'Horizon Program' a co-ordinator organises a session where a student will present an inquiry-based learning task completed over a term. The session will be an opportunity for the parents/carers to share in the child's learning. It is also an opportunity for the co-ordinator to gather feedback from parents/carers on all aspects of the program. This enables the co-ordinator to continually review and grow the program.

Our Lady of Mercy College is a Catholic school for girls in the inner northern metropolitan area of Melbourne. It has a school population of approximately 1,100 students in years 7–12. Based on research findings, the school identified the need to offer an alternative learning program at year 9. Students completed an inquiry-based research project during a term, which requires them to interact with the school's community. At the end of the project they are required to present their findings to an audience including teachers and their parents/carers.

  • How do you initiate opportunities for parents to share in the responsibility of their child’s learning?
  • How do you respond to and act upon feedback from parents to inform the direction of school programs?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Engaging parents in student learning