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A 'specialist teacher' at O’ Connor Primary School in regional Western Australia uses ICT to engage year 1 students and support them with processing, analysing, evaluating and consolidating information about road safety. The graduate teacher begins the lesson by reading a story to the students, and then uses an ICT resource to develop student understanding of the core concepts associated with crossing the road safely. Singing, dancing and games are then used to reinforce the core concepts and as a mechanism for measuring the extent to which students have understood the lesson.
O’Connor Primary School is located in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, 600km east of Perth. This lesson is part of a longer teaching sequence around the theme of road safety. The resource package used by the graduate teacher provides opportunity for explicit teaching around language and core concepts related to road safety, music and dance, and student based interactivity with the technology to evaluate, process and reinforce learning.
  • How do you select resources to develop student understanding of core concepts or key skills?
  • How do you evaluate the effectiveness of digital resources and tools you have selected to engage students in learning?
  • How do you adapt the content of resource material to meet the needs of students and their learning context?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Crossing the road